Possums can be a nuisance for homeowners, causing damage to property. They also like to wander around the garbage bin. When faced with a possum invasion, homeowners often try to seek effective possum catchers or deterrents. They keep these furry & nasty creatures at bay with various techniques. Two common household items that you can use for this purpose are mothballs and bleach. In this blog, we will explore whether mothballs and bleach are effective solutions to scare away possums. Also, we will look at other possum removal methods that can help keep your property possum-free.

Possums: Are They Really Pests?
Possums are commonly regarded as pests in both Australasia and the Americas. Due to their relentless behaviour; including digging into homes; destroying gardens, and tipping garbage cans over, possums can be considered pests. You can consider possums extra issues for farms because they may prey on chicks and other small animals. Although they help to reduce pests by eating insects, their omnivorous diet and flexibility can cause problems for people. Possums are often considered pests based on their closeness to human dwellings and the possible harm they may do.
Do Mothballs or Bleach Scare Away Possums?
Yes, both mothballs and bleach are effective in deterring possums due to their unpleasant smells. Possums have an extremely keen sense of smell, which works both to their advantage in finding food and against them when faced with noxious odours.
The Pros and Cons of Mothballs and Bleach
Using mothballs and bleach as deterrents has both benefits and drawbacks. So, when you decide what to use, always check its drawbacks. So, here are both;
Possums dislike the smell of mothballs, particularly the presence of naphthalene. To use mothballs as a possum deterrent, simply place them strategically around the property. Place them with a focus on enclosed spaces like attics or where possums like to come.
- Mothballs are an effective deterrent and are easy to place around the home.
- They are dry, making them suitable for use indoors without causing mess or damage.
- Readily available and affordable for possum removal.
- Mothballs contain camphor, which is toxic to animals if ingested. So, when there are children or pets in your home, keep mothballs away from them.
- Using excessive quantities of mothballs may create an overpowering and unpleasant odour.
Bleach, due to its strong odour, is another effective way for possum control. It is recommended to mix one part bleach with ten parts water to create a spray. You can then apply the solution around the house or yard.
- Bleach is a readily available and affordable possum controlling way.
- An effective solution for deterring possums.
- Bleach sometimes may cause breathing problems to sensitive people.
- It can cause damage to soft surfaces around the house.
- Its strong odour can be unpleasant for humans as well.
So, now it depends on you how to use bleach and mothballs when trying possum catching.
Other Ways To Scare Away Possums
Possums are nasty creatures and may cause damage to property and gardens while searching for food. If you are dealing with a possum population around your place, you need to control the possums. Along with mothballs or bleach, some other effective and humane possum removal ways we are going to discuss here. Some natural possum deterrents have proven to be particularly successful. Let’s explore some alternative options:
Blood Meal: A Natural Repellent
A blood meal is a powder prepared from the leftover blood from butchered pigs and cattle. It is commonly used as an organic fertilizer for plants due to its nitrogen-rich content. Interestingly, possums detest the smell of blood meal, making it an effective natural pest deterrent.
- Blood meal reacts as an effective deterrent not only for possums but also for other garden pests.
- It is a natural pest repellent.
- It does not involve harsh chemicals that could harm the environment or other animals.
- The smell of blood may attract carnivores, so it is essential to use it cautiously and avoid attracting other unwanted wildlife.
- If applied too liberally, blood meal can produce an unpleasant odour.
Wolf or Fox Urine and Pet Fur: Establishing Territory
Possums are wary animals that stay away from areas where wolves, foxes, dogs, and cats have established their territories. Possums will avoid your property if you use wolf or fox urine or pet hair as a natural deterrent.
- You may easily buy wolf and fox urine online or in select shops. Pet owners also have ready access to pet hair.
- Pet hair and animal urine are both fully natural and non-toxic.
- It’s not advised to use urine around the house because it might produce a bad odour.
- Using wild animal urine might confuse domestic pets, therefore it’s important to avoid putting them under additional stress.
Ammonia: A Sharp-Smelling Deterrent
Ammonia, a gaseous compound made of nitrogen and hydrogen, is a typical cleaning product component. Using ammonia splashes or towels that have been saturated with ammonia to repel possums is what local possum controllers advise.
- Ammonia is an excellent deterrent because possums detest its strong smells.
- You can find it so easily as most stores sell ammonia at a reasonable price.
- It is important to avoid using ammonia around the house or yard while kids or dogs are around as it is corrosive to the skin and can be hazardous if breathed.
- Particularly in enclosed places, the strong ammonia mixture can leave behind an unpleasant odour.
Certain Food Products: Possum-Repellent Ingredients
While possums are typically attracted to food, there are specific food products that they do not like to have. Molasses, garlic, garlic oil, hot peppers, onion, hot sauce, and cayenne pepper are some culinary delights for humans that act as nightmare fuel for possums. Just spread or place garlic or onions in the garden. Or, you can create a plant spray with water and these food products can effectively deter possums.
- These edible items are an effective deterrent because possums dislike the taste and smell of them.
- There will be no harm to the environment or other animals while using these ingredients. Because these items are natural and non-toxic.
- At every supermarket shop, each ingredient is easily available.
- Even though they are efficient, these products have an unusual smell that both possums and people may find repulsive.
Motion-Activated Sprinklers: A Startling Surprise
Motion-activated sprinklers can be an excellent solution to deter possums from your property. These sprinklers activate when triggered by movement, providing a sudden spray of water that startles possums and discourages them from returning.
- All animals are unaffected by motion-activated sprinklers, making them a safe and friendly deterrent.
- Using motion-activated sprinkles is a low-maintenance method.
- You can even use this technique on lawns and gardens to give mist sprinkles.
- Sprinklers that detect motion turn on independently of who or what triggers the motion, which might restrict movement about the property.
- You may have to deal with higher water costs because they are regularly activated.
Using Traps For Possum Catching
While opinions might differ, some people believe that possums pose a serious hazard. Lethal and nonlethal possum trapping techniques are available to deal with possum infestations.
- Non lethal traps are an option for homeowners who want to transfer possums safely and without harming them.
- It helps to permanently remove possums from your backyard and garden. Once caught, possums can be safely relocated to a more suitable habitat away from human dwellings or areas where they cause damage.
- Compared to using poisons or chemical deterrents, traps offer a non-toxic way of managing possum populations. This is particularly relevant for those seeking environmentally friendly pest control solutions.
- Traps can not discriminate between target and non-target species. Other wildlife, pets, or even endangered animals could inadvertently get caught in the traps, leading to unintended harm or death.
- Trapped possums can experience significant stress and trauma. Fear and anxiety may cause them to struggle, leading to injuries or self-harm while trying to escape.
- Trapping can increase the vulnerability of possums to predation, especially if they are left trapped and unable to defend themselves against predators.
- Trapping requires regular monitoring, which can be labour-intensive and time-consuming, especially in situations with significant possum populations.
- Trapping can be costly, especially if multiple traps are required, and if the traps need to be regularly checked or replaced.
Well, no matter what you use, you need to give attention to the method for controlling possums. You need to understand the pros and cons of each method and use them carefully. If required, you can always get help from a professional possum controller.
Published on: August 1, 2023
Last updated on: August 3, 2023